We now invite all AMMA Conference Delegates to submit their best photos relating to military medicine, veteran’s health and other topics relevant to the sector. Submissions must be uploaded online before 21 August 2019. Approved entrants will be notified and will need to bring their entry printed in A4 size “10×15″(25×38 cm).
Approved entries must be delivered to staff at the Conference Registration Desk before 10 am on Friday, 4 October. Postal entries must be received no later than COB, 21 September 2019.
Entries will be displayed at the conference on 4, 5, October.
Entries will be judged by conference delegates and by a panel at the conference, including the President of AMMA, with winners announced at the Conference dinner on Saturday, 5 October.
Any winners not present at the conference will be notified by email. Your photo print will be available for collection at the conclusion of the conference or, alternatively, please include a suitable stamped addressed envelope if you would like your print(s) returned by mail. Entries not collected within one week of the conclusion of the conference will be recycled.
Please note that each entry must be accompanied by a signed Entry and Agreement Form of which is available for download below: Entrant Agreement.
There will be one prize awarded: The People’s Choice Award – chosen by delegates attending the conference
Prize: $150.00
Suitable entries may also be chosen to be used on a future cover of The Journal of Military and Veterans Health (JMVH) or used on the AMMA or JMVH websites, in accordance with the Entry and Agreement Form.
General Conditions of Entry
1. The competition is open to all conference delegates and AMMA members.
2. All possible care of entries will be exercised, but no responsibility will be assumed by the Conference Organisers for the loss or damage of entries in exhibit or in transit.
3. Entrants must complete an Entry and Agreement Form for each photo submitted. A maximum of three (3) entries per entrant is allowed.
4. Photo content must adhere to the AMMA Code of Ethics. The Conference Organising Committee reserves the right to accept or reject entries.
Delegates at the conference will vote for the best picture and a prize will be given to the most engaging photo. Submissions should be on A4 Portrait size photographic material to:
AMMA Conference Coordinator
227 Collins Street
Hobart Tas 7000
Please note, as with abstract submissions, it is up to the photographer to ensure that personal clearance and authorisation has been given by the respective individual(s) and authorities.
2018 Photo Competition Winner
Capt James Savage – Stars over R2E